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Night Guards


Smiles of Memorial - Dentist Houston Icon

Houston, TX

At night, your jaw can experience a lot of trauma. Sometimes, our natural tendency is to clench and grind our teeth while sleeping, a habit called bruxism. This not only wears down the teeth themselves, but it also puts pressure on the Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) causing clicking, popping, and pain in your jaw. One way to protect your teeth from bruxism is by reducing the amount of grinding at night and during the day. A night guard can help with this.

How Does A Night Guard Work?

Although a night guard will not resolve the underlying issue causing your bruxism, it will protect your teeth while you are sleeping. Simply, a night guard will place a barrier between your teeth. So, if you grind or clench your teeth while sleeping with the night guard, you will be wearing out the night guard instead of your precious enamel.

Why is Teeth Grinding Dangerous?

On the surface, grinding and clenching your jaw does not sound serious; however; this can cause decay or even tooth loss. Your teeth are covered by a protective layer called enamel. This layer prevents bacteria and plaque from entering your teeth which can cause decay. An excessive amount of decay can make your teeth unstable, putting them at risk. Further, every time you grind your teeth or clench your jaw, your enamel is slowly scraped away. Wearing a custom-made night guard from Smiles of Memorial will place a protective barrier between your teeth ultimately protecting your enamel.

Custom-Made Night Guards

Are all night guards made equally? No!. Over-the-counter night guards are better than no night guard and they will protect your enamel; however, they are not as comfortable and effective as custom-made, in-office night guards. A night guard made by Dr. Viet Tran is designed with your custom impression and will fit each groove and ridge of your teeth. If you think that you need a night guard, visit Dr. Viet Tran and his team first to find out how the Smiles of Memorial team can protect your smile.


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Come in for a consultation and find out all about the best cosmetic dentist in Houston, TX. Let Dr. Viet Tran help you own beautiful smile.