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Does Sparkling Water Ruin my Teeth?

You should drink water to stop bad breath and prevent decay. Drinking sparkling water may not be as good for your teeth. In theory, bubbly drinks can hurt your teeth because they have a higher level of acidity. This can breaks down enamel. With that said, do not be afraid to drink sparkling water. Recent research has shown that regular tap water has the same effect as sparkling water on teeth. Although, below are a few items in sparkling water that could hurt your teeth.

How Can Flavoring Hurt My Teeth?

Some sparkling water brands have different flavors such as orange or lime. Some citrus sparkling water has more acidity and increases the risk of breaking your enamel. How can you drink flavored drinks safely? Drink these options during a meal or during short periods of time to avoid exposing your teeth.

What does added sugar do?

Compared to sugary drinks such as soda or juice, any type of water is better for your teeth. Beware of the added sugars within sparkling water. As a rule of thumb, natural sugars are better than added sugars. But, natural fruit sugars can still break down tooth enamel. Read the ingredients before drinking sparkling water.

Sparkling Water May Lack Flouride

In the United States, tap water includes Flouride. This is a natural material that coats your teeth. With this, the enamel on the surface of your teeth strengthens and limits decay. Again, before drinking water, look at the bottle to see if it has Flouride.

In general, enamel, your tooth’s protector, can be broken by acids with carbonation. Once the enamel is broken, a hole may begin to develop and create a cavity. If the cavity continues, the hole can extend to the root and make a painful root canal. The best way to stop this is to follow a good oral hygiene routine. For more information, contact Dr. Viet Tran at Smiles of Memorial, today!