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Smiles of Memorial - Dentist Houston Icon

Houston, TX

Worried about knocking out a tooth?

You play to win, and that means playing hard, which increases your risk of accidentally damaging a tooth. In fact, within the United States, an estimated 5 million teeth are knocked out or damaged every year.

Custom mouthguards provide the best defense against mouth injuries sustained by athletes during practices and games. A study published in 2007 by the ADA showed that athletic activity without a mouthguard nearly doubled the risk of mouth trauma. And, many people are surprised to learn that basketball produces more dental trauma than any other sport! So before you send your athlete out onto the field or court, make sure their teeth are protected.

Variety of Dental Exams in Houston
Over-the-counter mouthguards can provide reasonable protection if they’re ADA certified. One-size-fits-all guards found in stores are a sloppy fit, offer very little protection, and can make proper breathing during an active performance difficult. On the other hand, custom-made sports mouthguards fit well, protect well, and can be worn for any sport. As an added bonus, a custom guard will properly align your jaw and improve your breathing capacity during training. We offer custom mouth guards by PlaySafe™ and recommend them for a multitude of sports from acrobatics to football – from martial arts to wrestling. However, when you consider the value of your smile, a custom mouthguard with an exact fit is a sensible investment.


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Come in for a consultation and find out all about the best cosmetic dentist in Houston, TX. Let Dr. Viet Tran help you own beautiful smile.