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What Do Dentists Do When You Have a Cracked Tooth?

January 22, 2023

Have you ever had a cracked tooth? A cracked tooth can be a painful and uncomfortable experience, but don’t worry! Your dentist is here to help. This blog post will discuss the most common treatments for cracked teeth and why they are effective.

What is a Cracked Tooth?

A cracked tooth occurs when the outer layer of your tooth begins to break away due to pressure or trauma. The crack can range from small and barely visible to larger cracks that are very noticeable. Cracks can also be located on any part of the tooth, including the crown, root, or enamel. If left untreated, a cracked tooth can become infected and cause more serious dental issues.

Treating a Cracked Tooth

The first step in treating a cracked tooth is determining the extent of the damage. Depending on how large and deep the crack is, your dentist may recommend one of several treatment options. Options include dental bonding treatment, crowns or veneers, root canal therapy, or extraction.

Bonding involves using dental resin composite to fill in any gaps caused by cracks in your tooth. This option works best for minor chips or cracks on only one side of the tooth’s surface area. Crowns or veneers are used when there is significant damage to both sides of your tooth’s surface area. A dental crown is usually recommended if an infection is present, while veneers are best for cosmetic purposes only. Root canal therapy may be needed if the crack has gone beyond just affecting the outer layer of your teeth and into the pulp underneath it. Finally, if all other options have failed, extraction may be necessary to prevent further damage or infection from occurring in your mouth.


Dental care professionals are experts at treating cracked teeth with minimally invasive procedures that will restore full strength and functionality to your teeth quickly and efficiently. If you think you might have a cracked tooth, contact your local dentist today so they can get you back to smiling confidently again!


Q. What Causes Cracked Teeth?

A: The most common cause of cracked teeth is trauma from biting down on something hard such as ice cubes or hard candy. Other possible causes include grinding or clenching your teeth (bruxism), decay that weakens a portion of the tooth, making it more susceptible to cracking, age-related wear and tear on enamel causing thinning that makes it more prone to cracking, acid erosion caused by too many sugary beverages and acidic foods like citrus fruits which wear away enamel over time resulting in increased susceptibility to cracking, large fillings which reduce natural support for certain areas of teeth making them more prone to fracturing under pressure from normal use such as chewing food items.

Q. How Can I Prevent Cracked Teeth?

A: There are several steps you can take to prevent cracked teeth, including avoiding habits such as chewing on hard objects like ice cubes and pen caps; visiting your dentist regularly for checkups so they can identify any issue before it becomes worse; using an appropriate technique while brushing your teeth with a soft-bristled brush; avoiding excessive consumption of sugary beverages and acidic foods (especially without brushing afterward); wearing mouth guards while playing sports; being aware of any grinding/clenching tendencies at night while sleeping; avoiding tobacco use; treating cavities quickly before they weaken surrounding areas of your teeth making them prone to cracking due to decreased structural integrity; if you have large fillings replacing them with newer materials that offer greater support for your weakened areas.

Q. How Is A Cracked Tooth Diagnosed?

A: The diagnosis process for a cracked tooth typically begins with an initial consultation with your dentist, who will perform an oral exam looking for signs such as discoloration and listening for symptoms such as sharp pain when chewing or sensitivity towards hot and cold temperatures to diagnose this condition properly. Once diagnosed, further diagnostic tests may be performed involving X-rays allowing dentists to gain insight into exactly how much damage has been done by any existing cracks. Dentists may also utilize specialized tools such as dental probes, which allow them to look closely at any existing cracks within the affected area, confirming their presence before performing any treatment procedures.