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Reason My Gums Are Receding

June 10, 2022

Healthy teeth contribute to a healthy-looking smile, you are probably more concerned about the condition of your teeth than the condition of your gums. But if you’ve noticed that your gums are pulling away from your teeth, you may be curious about the cause of this phenomenon and whether or not it poses any risks to your health. You can prevent the recession of your gums by visiting Smiles Of Memorial in Houston, TX for more information.

The base and roots of your teeth are held in place and protected by your gums. They provide a barrier around your teeth that is adequate to keep germs from entering the space between your teeth. However, when the gums begin to recede or have already pulled back, a greater portion of the tooth or teeth in question is visible.

The good news is that the gum recession may be reversed in certain cases. Let’s talk about what leads to this disease and how you may keep your gums from falling away from your teeth:

Why Are My Gums Receding, and How can I Stop Them?

Periodontal disease is when the gums tear away from your teeth, revealing the unsightly roots below the surface. Aggressive brushing, smoking, and even heredity may contribute to this condition. Antibiotics, antibacterial oral rinses, and surgery are among the options available.

There are some potential causes for your gums to begin to recede. Some are unavoidable, but many are genuinely preventable.

1. Age

As we become older, it is unavoidable that our gums will start to recede. However, if you brush your gums softly every time you clean your teeth, you may significantly reduce this problem’s severity. Always brush away from the gums, which means brushing downward on the top gums and brushing upward on the lower gums while doing your dental hygiene routine.

Additionally, flossing and washing the mouth regularly are effective ways to exercise the gums. Maintaining a high level of dental cleanliness will aid in the long-term preservation of robust and healthy gums.

2. Periodontal Disease

Periodontal disease is the most common and primary cause of gum recession, which may be avoided. Gingivitis, the first stage, is a mild gum infection that manifests itself clinically as pink gums that are noticeably deeper in tone than they normally would be.

Bacteria are the root cause of gingivitis and periodontal disease, both of which attack the gum tissue and surrounding bone responsible for keeping teeth in place. Regular trips to the dentist are necessary to avoid this problem since a dentist is trained to recognize the warning symptoms of periodontal disease as soon as they appear. Redness, swelling, bleeding, and poor smell are some of the symptoms of this condition.

3. Poor Brushing Technique

As a result of poor brushing habits, such as over-cleaning your teeth or using a toothbrush with rough bristles, gum recession may occur. This is due to the fact that gums recede as a result of physical wear and strain. Ensure you wash your teeth carefully and use a toothbrush with soft or medium-sized bristles. Proper brushing technique includes bass technique, modified bass technique, etc.

4. Poor Oral Habits

Gum recession may be caused by some habits, including clenching and grinding your teeth, biting down forcefully, and even smoking. Talk to your dentist about acquiring a mouth guard if you tend to clench and grind your teeth while you sleep or participate in high-impact activities that lead you to do so (like basketball) since this may cause significant damage to your teeth. In addition, your gums will express their gratitude to you if you give up smoking.

5. Genes

Suppose an immediate family member has ever been diagnosed with periodontal disease. There is a greater possibility that you may also get the condition at some point in your life. Have a conversation with your dentist about the best ways to forestall the beginning and spread of the condition.

Visit the best Houston dentist near you for the best gum-related treatment.