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Does Sparkling Water Ruin my Teeth?

May 14, 2021

You should drink water to stop bad breath and prevent decay. Drinking sparkling water may not be as good for your teeth. In theory, bubbly drinks can hurt your teeth because they have a higher level of acidity. This can breaks down enamel. With that said, do not be afraid to drink sparkling water. Recent research has shown that regular tap water has the same effect as sparkling water on teeth. Although, below are a few items in sparkling water that could hurt your teeth.

How Can Flavoring Hurt My Teeth?

Some sparkling water brands have different flavors such as orange or lime. Some citrus sparkling water has more acidity and increases the risk of breaking your enamel. How can you drink flavored drinks safely? Drink these options during a meal or during short periods of time to avoid exposing your teeth.

What does added sugar do?

Compared to sugary drinks such as soda or juice, any type of water is better for your teeth. Beware of the added sugars within sparkling water. As a rule of thumb, natural sugars are better than added sugars. But, natural fruit sugars can still break down tooth enamel. Read the ingredients before drinking sparkling water.

Sparkling Water May Lack Flouride

In the United States, tap water includes Flouride. This is a natural material that coats your teeth. With this, the enamel on the surface of your teeth strengthens and limits decay. Again, before drinking water, look at the bottle to see if it has Flouride.

In general, enamel, your tooth’s protector, can be broken by acids with carbonation. Once the enamel is broken, a hole may begin to develop and create a cavity. If the cavity continues, the hole can extend to the root and make a painful root canal. The best way to stop this is to follow a good oral hygiene routine. For more information, contact Dr. Viet Tran at Smiles of Memorial, today!

Treatment Options for a Missing Tooth

Many people have experienced a missing tooth from an accident or an extraction. The next step? Choosing a treatment option. This could be hard, but we are here to help! Here are three recommendations that Dr. Viet Tran at Smiles of Memorial may give you if you have a missing tooth.


First, you could get a bridge or partial denture. Bridges are secured to teeth. They are held into place near the affected area and can fill-in one or more missing teeth. Here are a few types of bridges: removable, fixed, and an implant. Of course, Dr. Viet Tran can help you find the best bridge that will provide a natural look for your missing tooth.


Some patients prefer a removable option, especially if they have lost the majority of their natural teeth. This is the least invasive way to replace a missing tooth. A full mouth restoration not only changes your smile but also can restructure the look of your face and profile. Who knew? Dental work can change the appearance of your facial structure. A few denture options to replace a missing tooth are conventional, immediate, an overdenture. At first, dentures can feel uncomfortable. However, as you become familiar with them they will feel more natural.


Lastly, the most invasive, yet the most natural looking option to replace a missing tooth are dental implants. In the past 40 years, dental implants have been one of the biggest improvements in dentistry. Did you know that you can get more than one dental implant? In fact, you can have up to a full mouth restoration with dental implants. Here is how they work. The implants are rooted in the jaw bone. Then, a cap or crown is added on top to cover the missing tooth.

If you have a missing tooth, you can restore the natural look of your smile with bridges, dentures, or implants. Of course, you should maintain your oral health habits after you have replaced your tooth. For more information, contact Dr. Viet Tran – experienced dentist in Houston at Smiles of Memorial.

Top 3 Types of Dental Fillings

Prolonged exposure to sugars, irregular brushing, or an unhealthy diet can contribute to the break down of tooth enamel. You can reverse early-stage tooth decay by brushing twice a day for two minutes each, rinsing your mouth after consuming sugar, and staying well-hydrated. However, once a hole has formed in your tooth the only solution is a dental filling. Dr. Dan Viet Tran may not offer all dental filling types, so check with Smiles of Memorial to learn more.

Composite Resins

One of the most common dental fillings is a composite resin which is a durable option that matches the shade of your natural teeth. This natural looking option is a good fit for the back or the front teeth because they can withstand the pressure of chewing. However, composites are usually more expensive than other dental filling options and many insurance companies do not cover them. Additionally, composite resins may not last as long as amalgam fillings. Furthermore, to place the dental filling, the tooth must be clean and dry which makes the procedure longer than an amalgam filling.

Dental Amalgam

Also called “silver-colored” fillings, amalgam fillings are comprised of an array of metals including mercury, silver, tin, and copper. This is the least expensive dental filing option and has been used for over 100 years by dentists. If you have a large cavity or a cavity on a molar than Dr. Dan Viet Tran may recommend this type of dental filling because it is the most durable option. The procedure to place the dental filling is shorter, so it is often used for children who have difficulty sitting still for a while.

A downside of an amalgam filling is that they do not have a natural look and others may be able to see it when you laugh or speak. Lastly, there has been a recent debate about the safety of an amalgam filling because it contains mercury. However, when mercury is used in conjunction with other metals it is in a safe state. Multiple studies have shown that amalgams cause no health risks to patients.

Gold Fillings

These are the most durable dental filing; however, they are the most expensive and the procedure is the longest. A gold dental filling is usually made of gold, copper, and other metals and can last up to 20 years. Typically, this technique is used for small filings. Multiple appointments are usually necessary for Dr. Dan Viet Tran to develop an impression of the cavity to craft a gold foil in a laboratory. At your second appointment, Dr. Dan Viet Tran will place the gold foil in your tooth. Since this is a lengthy and costly process, it is not usually recommended.

The best way to care for your teeth is to prevent cavities by brushing twice a day for two minutes each, eating healthy, and visiting Dr. Dan Viet Tran twice a year. For more information about fillings, cavity prevention, or to schedule an appointment call Smiles of Memorial of Houston – Viet Tran DMD at (281)-493-0061.

5 Ways to Prevent Baby Bottle Tooth Decay

At Smiles of Memorial, we want you and your children to achieve your best smile. Often times, this begins with preventative techniques such as brushing every day and eating healthy. Below are a few ways that can help you and your child prevent Baby Bottle Tooth Decay.

1.Avoid Sharing Saliva

Sharing saliva through a spoon or a pacifier can expose your child’s mouth to cavity-creating bacteria. This bacteria can break down the enamel on your child’s tooth leading to baby bottle tooth decay. Once a hole begins to form, the baby bottle tooth decay is irreversible and your child will have to receive a filling to prevent further damage.

2.Brush Twice a Day

Before your child’s teeth arrive, clean their gums with a damp washcloth after each feeding. This will prevent the build-up of sugars, acids, bacteria, and baby bottle tooth decay. When your child’s first tooth emerges, call Dr. Dan Viet Tran to schedule an appointment. It is important to visit Smiles of Memorial soon after losing their first tooth to ensure their teeth are growing properly. If your child’s first tooth does not appear by their first birthday, bring them to Smiles of Memorial for an exam.

3.Supervise Before Age 6 or 7

You should always supervise your child while they brush their teeth before age 6 or 7 to ensure that they do not swallow the toothpaste. Teach your child to use a pea-size of toothpaste to brush their teeth. Explain the importance of using toothpaste with fluoride because it helps strengthen your tooth’s enamel, a cavity protector. Neglecting to brush their teeth can cause baby bottle tooth decay.

4.Avoid Sugary Liquids

Do not put sugary drinks such as sodas, juice, sugar water, or sweet tea in your child’s bottle. These sugars work fast to break down enamel and cause irreversible cavities. If your child loses a tooth from a cavity their permanent tooth may not have enough room to grow and therefore causing misaligned teeth.

5.Don’t Sleep With the Bottle

Lastly, do not let your child sleep with their bottle. This can cause prolonged exposure to sugars on your teeth which can cause baby bottle tooth decay.

Of course, Smiles of Memorial’s best advice is to encourage your child to brush twice a day for two minutes each, exclude all sugar drinks, and avoid prolonged exposure to milk. For more information about baby bottle tooth decay prevention or to schedule an appointment call the best dentist in Houston at (281)-493-0061 today!

How to Overcome Dental Anxiety

Dental anxiety before or during your dental procedure is a common experience for many patients. At Smiles of Memorial, we want you to be as comfortable as possible. Below are a few tips to reduce your dental anxiety.

Tell Us Your Concerns

Our goal at Smiles of Memorial is to make you feel relaxed. We strive to create open communication between our patients and our team. Many of our staff members use excellent tools to overcome dental anxiety. Dr. Dernick can even establish a signal with you before the procedure, such as raising your right hand, to let the staff know that you need a break. Tell us your concerns before and during your appointment so we can treat you best.


Relaxing your mind is the first step to relaxing your body and relieving your dental anxiety. Take deep, long breaths to slow your body and calm your worries. One way to relax is to count to four while inhaling, hold your breath for two counts, and exhale for four counts. This technique works best before your appointment or on a break during the appointment. A technique you can use during the procedure is progressive muscle relaxation. Tighten a muscle group, such as your leg or foot for three counts and then relax the muscle. This will loosen your muscles and make you feel more relaxed.

Ask Questions

Many times patients have dental anxiety during their dental appointment because they are not sure what the dentist will do. Your questions are welcomed! If you are unsure about the procedure or you would like further clarification, please ask Dr. Dernick or our Smiles of Memorial team. We would be happy to answer any questions that you have.

Over 20% of Americans avoid the dentist because of dental anxiety. You are not alone! Dr. Dernick and his team can help you feel more comfortable on the day of your appointment. To take the first step in overcoming your dental anxiety, call Smiles of Memorial Of Houston – Viet Tran DMD today to answer your questions or book an appointment.

Is it Really Necessary to Remove your Wisdom Teeth?

Typically, wisdom teeth, also called third molars, are the last teeth to erupt between the ages of 17 and 21. If you have a small mouth, narrow jaw, or your wisdom tooth is incorrectly positioned, the tooth may never emerge causing impaction. If wisdom teeth emerge, they may not position themselves correctly in the back of your mouth. In both situations, Dr. Viet Tran may recommend wisdom tooth extraction.


Typical symptoms of an impacted wisdom tooth that may need to be removed are swollen gum in the back of the mouth or side of the jaw, difficulty opening your jaw, consistent bad breath, unpleasant taste in your mouth, pain when chewing or biting, or pain/irritation when opening your mouth. Additionally, pain may occur for a few days and disappear for weeks or months.


As the wisdom teeth emerge, the overlying gums swell and cause pain that can be felt around the tooth or even by the ear. Sometimes, erupted teeth collect food and debris which can lead to an infection named pericoronitis. Without treatment, this infection spread into the throat and neck areas. Additionally, if a wisdom tooth develops tooth decay or moves a nearby tooth, then the decay can worsen or your bite can become impaired. In rare cases, wisdom teeth can create cysts and benign jaw tumors which can lead to bone destruction.


You cannot prevent an impacted tooth; however, proper oral hygiene through brushing, flossing, and using a water-jet can decrease your risk for infection. If your impacted tooth becomes infected or starts affecting nearby teeth, Dr. Viet Tran may need to extract it. A typical extraction can take between 5 to 30 minutes with the use of a local anesthetic for your comfort.

If you are experiencing any of the symptoms above, call the best dentist Houston Dr. Viet Tran today at Smiles of Memorial to schedule an appointment!

Stained Teeth- Reduce Decay and Promote Oral Health

Brushing and flossing occasionally is not enough to prevent periodontal disease. Sugar and rough foods can create stained teeth. Below are 5 foods and drinks you should reduce for a healthy mouth.

1. Reduce Sugary Snacks and Drinks

Sugar can be a direct path to stained teeth and cavities! When sugar sits on your teeth it begins to convert to acid. This erodes the enamel on your teeth. Foods and drinks that are high in sugar are soda, beer, candy, cookies, and cakes. Another little-known source of sugar is from fruits and fruit juices. If you cannot brush directly after consuming sugar, order a water with dessert or with a sugar frappuccino to temporarily rinse the sugar off your teeth. Most importantly, remember to brush when you get home!

2. Increase your Vitamin C Intake

To increase your vitamin C intake it is not recommended to eat more fruits like oranges, lemons, or limes. The acids and sugars in these fruits can wear down the enamel on your teeth. Eating vegetables and less acidic fruits can increase Vitamin C and Calcium in your body. This can prevent stained teeth and keep you healthy.

3. Remember to Eat Healthily

Eating healthy should be liberating, not restricting. Better oral health will lead to better overall health. Foods that are crunchy and contain a lot of water such as apples, celery, and carrots can help rinse and wipe your teeth while you eat. Additionally, eat foods that are high in antioxidants. Examples are berries, nuts, raisins, and beans. Fermented foods like sauerkraut and kombucha contain probiotics which are good for your gums.

4. Avoid Chewing Ice

This is a dangerous and addictive habit that you should give-up today. Chewing ice destroys the enamel on your teeth, which weakens your teeth. This increases your risk for stained teeth and decay. Additionally, chewing ice can chip or crack your teeth. Also, you may damage your fillings or crowns. In extreme cases, some people have developed hot and cold tooth sensitivity through excessive ice eating.

5. Stay Hydrated with Water

There are numerous reasons to drink more water, but here are a few to improve your oral health. Many drinks create stained teeth or cavities. To lessen the effect, drink water after consuming sugary foods or drinks. Washing your mouth can prevent acids from developing which may create cavities. Additionally, most water contains fluoride which is a naturally occurring compound that can hinder tooth decay. Lastly, water reduces dry mouth which can foster the growth of bacteria. Overall, drinking more water is extremely beneficial for your oral health.

Reduce Stained Teeth

The foods and drinks we consume are just as important as the techniques we use to brush. Follow these tips to improve your oral health. For more tips and dental care contact Smiles of Memorial or book an appointment today!

Common Brushing Mistakes

The best way to protect your teeth from tooth decay, gum disease, or oral cancers is by brushing your teeth twice a day for two minutes each. However, if you adjust a few common mistakes most patients make while brushing your teeth could be healthier.

1. Rough Scrubbing

Adding more muscle to your brushing routine does not give your teeth a more thorough clean. Removing plaque from your teeth is more like wiping-up spilled milk instead of breaking-down tough grease. Brushing should feel like a comfortable tooth massage.

2. Quick Brushing

A buildup of plaque on your teeth over time causes hard tartar to form which can break through your enamel and cause tooth decay. Only brushing once a day or forgetting to brush can cause damage to your teeth over time. Set a timer on your phone for two minutes or listen to your favorite song while your brushing.

3. Keeping Old Toothbrushes

You should replace your toothbrushes every three to four months or when the bristles begin to fray. A few other signs of an overused toothbrush are discoloration, dirt, and a bent shape. To keep your toothbrush clean, store it in a dry place with open air.

4. Robotic Brushing

Just putting a toothbrush in your mouth is not enough to keep your smile healthy. It can be easy to get into a habit of brushing your teeth mechanically side to side for two minutes. However, the most effective way to brush your teeth is to brush up and down in a circular motion. Brushing is not just about getting it done, it is also important to do a quality job.

5. Forgetting Your Tongue

When bacteria gets stuck on the back of your tongue or in your molars it can cause bad breath. Your back molars create the perfect mixture of little oxygen and high protein from foods which fuels the foul-smelling bacteria. Using a tongue brusher or even brushing with your toothbrush can remove this bacteria and reduce potential tooth decay and bad breath.

Brushing twice a day for two minutes each is the best way to prevent tooth decay, gum disease, bad breath, and a plethora of other mouth-related issues. If you have questions about your daily brushing routine or if you would like to receive teeth cleaning call Smiles of Memorial at (281)-493-0061.

8 FAQS about Root Canal Therapy

May 8, 2021

Root canals are a routine procedure and are extremely beneficial to your oral health in the long run. It can save your tooth from a potential extraction and maintain its structure. Will you be undergoing a root canal treatment in a couple of days? Bid adieu to your fears. Our dentists at Smiles Of Memorial have answered your frequently asked questions about root canals.

Going through the questions listed below will anyway give you a clear understanding of root canal surgeries. So without any further ado, let’s delve deeper into the topic. 

What Is A Root Canal?

A root canal is a procedure that involves the removal of the soft pulp, present inside our teeth. It is an endodontic treatment that is essentially recommended if you have decaying pulp. Root canal treatments can save your teeth from further aggravation and protect you from future dental complications.

When to Opt For A Root Canal Treatment?

It is usually performed when the pulp of your teeth has become infected or severely inflamed. It could result in excruciating pain and discomfort. If left untreated, the affected area can worsen and lead to an abscess.

Do Root Canals Hurt?

Root canal treatments are practically a painless ordeal. Your dental care professional will use an anesthetic during the procedure so that you feel nothing. It will provide you relief from the tooth pain that you are constantly feeling. Root canal pain consists of minor swelling and inflammation. However, this only lasts for a very short period and can be managed with painkillers. Advancements in the field of dentistry have made it possible to provide you with painless procedures and root canals are one of them.

What Are The Signs Of A Root Canal?

Initially, you might not notice any early signs other than a toothache. However, as it worsens, several symptoms spring up. They are listed below.

  • Excruciating pain in your tooth
  • Severe Swelling
  • Will feel a burning sensation in your oral cavity

How Long Does A Root Canal Take?

These treatments do not take much time and are usually done in one sitting. However, the estimated time depends on the condition of your tooth. It could take between one to two hours. A second visit to the dentist might be necessary if the recovery is taking longer than usual.

What Happens During The Procedure?

The area is numbed and a tiny incision is made on the crown to access the infected pulp. Following this, the affected area is removed and disinfected. The canals are filled with biocompatible materials and sealed. The hole is covered up with a temporary filling and voila! You are good to go.

Is A Root Canal Surgery Effective?

Root canal treatments are highly successful and require little to no dental work in the future. The effects of this surgery are, therefore, long-lasting and a repaired tooth can also last you a lifetime with proper maintenance.

How Much Does A Root Canal Cost?

Various dental insurance companies can cover the cost of these procedures. This treatment is extremely cost-effective and is a cheaper option than extractions and dental implants. The cost varies from one type of tooth to another. The average expense is somewhere between $600 to $1400 or more. Having a dental insurance policy can save you from creating a hole in your pocket.

Now that you have the answer to all your questions, do not hesitate to get in touch with the best dental clinic in Houston, TX for undergoing top-notch root canal service. Call Smiles of Memorial for any further information related to this topic.