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Common Dental Emergencies

May 17, 2021

Whether you were in a recent accident, had a traumatic fall, or have a toothache you may have a dental emergency. Many patients discount their pain and do not visit Dr. Viet Tran and his team when they have a true dental emergency because they think it is not a ‘big deal’. Well, if you are in excruciating pain or you have experienced one of the dental emergencies below, visit Dr. Viet Tran and his team at Smiles of Memorial in Houston, Texas right away.

1. Missing or Dislodged tooth

If your child plays a contact sport, they should always wear a mouthguard. This can prevent a dental emergency such as a cracked, missing, or dislodged tooth. However, if their tooth falls out, it is important to get to Smiles of Memorial, or any dentist, within 30 minutes. This will preserve the tooth so Dr. Viet Tran and his team can hopefully save your natural tooth. If you or your child’s tooth dislodges, gently hold it in place in the mouth until you get to the dentist. If the tooth falls out, quickly rinse it under water. Avoid scrubbing the tooth. This can damage the tissue and roots of the tooth. Gently try to put it back in place, but do not force it in. If it does not go back into its original position, place the tooth in a bag or cup of milk and go to Smiles of Memorial in Houston, Texas for a dental emergency appointment right away. Before you reach the dentist, you can relieve the pain with a cold compress on the cheek and/or take an over-the-counter medication like Tylenol or Advil.

2. Toothache or Chipped Tooth

The first step you should take with a toothache is to thoroughly brush your teeth and rinse your mouth. Then, carefully floss between the teeth. Many times a toothache dental emergency can be caused by an object lodged in between the teeth. If you see the object between your teeth, only use dental floss, never other sharp tools, to remove the object. If you cannot remove it, call Dr. Viet Tran and his team at Smiles of Memorial in Houston, Texas to make an appointment right away.

First, for a chipped tooth dental emergency, remember to collect the pieces that disconnected from the tooth. These may be important parts of saving your tooth. Next, rinse your mouth and tooth chips with water. Finally, apply pressure with a tissue or gauze to bleeding areas and visit Dr. Viet Tran at Smiles of Memorial right away. In either situation, if pain continues, you can put a cold compress on the affected area and take over the counter medication such as Tylenol or Advil.

3. Lost Crown or Filling

Although a lost crown or filling is not as time sensitive as a missing tooth dental emergency, it is still important to visit Dr. Viet Tran right away to avoid further decay and damage to the affected tooth. To prevent further decay, you can fill your cavity with dental cement or sugar-free gum before visiting Dr. Viet Tran. For your dental crown, you can place clove oil or dental cement in the crown and temporarily reattach it to the tooth. Remember, these are not permanent solutions and you should schedule an appointment with Dr. Viet Tran and his team at Smiles of Memorial right after you lose the crown or filling.

4. Abscess

Although you may not be familiar with this term, it is important to be aware of the signs and symptoms of this dental emergency. If untreated, this infection can spread throughout your body causing damage to your oral and overall health. So, what is an abscess dental emergency? Typically, an abscess presents as a painful, pimple-like bulge on your gums around your teeth. Before your dental appointment, rinse with salt water to relieve the pain. Then, call Dr. Viet Tran at Smiles of Memorial in Houston, Texas right away to plan your visit.

What do I do in a Dental Emergency?

Your oral health may be more important to your overall health than you initially realize. This is why dental emergencies should be taken seriously. If you have a missing or dislodged tooth, toothache, chipped tooth, lost crown or filling, or a dental abscess, make a dental emergency appointment with Dr. Viet Tran at Smiles of Memorial in Houston, Texas right away! For more information, or to plan your next visit call (281)-493-0061, today!

What Dental Procedures are Considered Cosmetic?

Investing in your oral health is one of the best decisions you can make. Not only will it improve your confidence, but it can also improve your overall health. There are numerous chronic diseases linked to poor oral health, including heart disease and diabetes. First, we will discuss the difference between preventative, restorative, and cosmetic dentistry.

Preventative vs. Restorative vs. Cosmetic Dentistry

Sometimes it is hard to understand the difference between preventative, restorative and cosmetic dentistry. Simply, preventative dentistry is used to protect your teeth from future damage. For example, brushing your teeth twice a day and flossing once a day is an example of a preventative treatment. You are probably most familiar with restorative dentistry. This includes crowns, fillings, and dentures. In restorative dentistry, Dr. Viet Tran works to repair weak or damaged teeth. Lastly, cosmetic dentistry refers to the appearance and look of your smile. At Smiles of Memorial we want to give you the confidence to embrace every moment, so we offer procedures like teeth whitening and veneers to enhance your smile. Many times, restorative and cosmetic dentistry are done together. For example, a dental implant is an example of both a restorative and cosmetic procedure. Below are a few examples of cosmetic procedures.

1. Veneers and Bonding

Have you ever wanted a bigger smile? Or perhaps you are interested in reshaping the height of your cheekbones. Well, veneers may be the cosmetic procedure for you. Veneers, also called composite bonding, are usually placed on four to six of your front teeth. A prosthetic covering is attached, or bonded, to the front of the tooth to make it appear larger and more symmetrical. Before requesting veneers, talk to Dr. Viet Tran and his Smiles of Memorial team to ensure your teeth are healthy enough for this cosmetic procedure. It is important that Dr. Viet Tran addresses all health concerns before cosmetic concerns.

2. Dental Implants

As mentioned above, dental implants can be considered as a restorative or a cosmetic procedure. Dr. Viet Tran and his team at Smiles of Memorial in Houston, Texas may suggest a dental implant if you have had a dental trauma, a deep cavity, or an infected tooth. First, Dr. Viet Tran will clear out the root and replace it with a metal post screwed into your jawbone. This is the restorative part of the procedure. Next, for the cosmetic procedure. Dr. Viet Tran and his Smiles of Memorial team will place a crown over the metal post to maintain the natural function and look of your smile.

3. Teeth Whitening

Most patients know that teeth whitening is an example of a cosmetic dentistry. Teeth whitening procedures at Smiles of Memorial in Houston, Texas come in two forms: in-office and take-home. The quickest and most effective treatment is in-office. Dr. Viet Tran and his team use Zoom! technology for in-office treatments. If you are looking for a less expensive option, try take-home whitening. Dr. Viet Tran and his Smiles of Memorial team will craft a dental tray custom to your unique smile. Next, at home, you will place a whitening gel in the tray. Whitening from Smiles of Memorial is more efficient and accurate than over-the-counter brands, so we always recommend professional whitening.

In most cases, improving the look of your smile is just as important as improving the function and health of your smile. For more information on cosmetic dentistry or to plan your next visit with Dr. Viet Tran at Smiles of Memorial in Houston, Texas, call (281)-493-0061, today!

How Does Aging Affect My Oral Health?

Numerous physiological changes occur through aging. Just as you feel aging in your bones and muscles, you may feel aging related to your oral health. However, do not worry. Aging is a natural process and with the right care, you can maintain good oral health as you age.

Normal Wear And Tear

Grinding, eating, and rubbing your teeth together causes normal wear when aging. At first, you may notice this as a chipped or cracked tooth. Luckily, the body compensates for this change by slowly moving to erupt more teeth as you age. Theoretically to maintain good oral health. There is no established standard to indicated how much ‘normal wear’ is, but the wear should coincide with your age. Meaning, the wear should be typical for those in your age group. If you grind or bite down hard, this could increase wear and decrease the size of your tooth. At this point, Dr. Viet Tran in Smiles of Memorial may need to treat an underlying problem.

Receding Gums

With time, your gums may recede away from your teeth causing your teeth to appear longer. There are a number of reasons that this may occur, including gum disease and poor oral health. As the tissue of your teeth, called the papillae, moves further from the tooth, your teeth may feel more sensitive or you may get more food and particles stuck in between your teeth. This could put your oral health in danger during aging. If you think your gums are receding, call Dr. Viet Tran at Smiles of Memorial in Houston, Texas to address your symptoms right away.

Decreased Saliva

A lower amount of saliva in your mouth is not necessarily caused by aging; however, it usually accompanies aging. As you age, you may take more medications which can inadvertently cause dry mouth. Additionally, many illnesses can also cause dry mouth. Not only is this uncomfortable, but dry mouth can also cause bad breath and poor oral health because the salvia is not actively rinsing your teeth.

Oral Cancer

According to the National Cancer Institute, the median age that people are diagnosed with oral cancer is 62 years old. In addition to a higher age, those who also drink and smoke increase their risk of developing oral cancer. Regular dental visits at Smiles of Memorial in Houston, Texas with Dr. Viet Tran can increase the chance of finding oral cancer early.

Aging and Oral Health

There are a number of different concerns you may have about your oral health related to your age. However, there is no need to worry. With a good oral health routine and regular visits to Smiles of Memorial in Houston, Texas with Dr. Viet Tran, you can improve your oral health. For more information or to plan your next visit, contact Smiles of Memorial at (281)-493-0061, today!

Can I Go To The Dentist With A Cold?

If you feel sick with watery eyes, a runny nose, cough, or sore throat before your dental visit, don’t cancel your visit with the dentist. As a rule of thumb, you should never cancel your visit at Smiles of Memorial in Houston, Texas, even if sick, unless you have a good reason. That’s because your oral health is very important and at your visit, our dentist, Dr. Viet Tran, can help you improve your oral and overall health. Yes, you can go to the dentist if you are sick. However, if you are throwing-up, have a fever, or if you are contagious, you should not visit the dentist.

Is My Cold Related to My Oral Health?

Some symptoms when you are sick could be related to your oral health. If you feel well enough to sit through a dental visit and you are not contagious, then you should visit the dentist. Your visit with the dentist may reveal why you are sick. Here are a few common symptoms you may have while sick that are actually related to your oral health.

  • Gingivitis or Periodontal Disease: 

    If you have red, swollen, or bleeding gums you may have gum disease. This causes the teeth to move away from your gums causing a pocket between your teeth and your gums. In this pocket, bacteria can collect and enter into your bloodstream. This can make you feel sick and have a fever, congestion, runny nose, and chills. Although bleeding or sore gums may not feel serious at first, if it develops into periodontal disease, it can be irreversible. If this happens, you will need to visit Dr. Viet Tran at Smiles of Memorial in Houston, Texas for frequent cleanings to prevent it from worsening. If you have the symptoms while sick, you should visit the dentist.

  • Abscess:

    Simply, an abscess is a fluid filled pocket in your mouth that is infected. Similar to gum disease, this infection can make you feel sick. Additionally, an abscess can cause swelling in your throat which can make it hard to breath. If you think you may have an abscess, call Dr. Viet Tran at Smiles of Memorial in Houston, Texas, today!

  • Sinus Infections:

    Did you know your sinus infection may actually be a caused by infected tissue above your teeth? Yes, your runny nose and fever that makes you feel sick could actually be an infection in your mouth. If you feel pressure above your upper teeth or have trouble breathing because of inflamed oral tissue, you should call your dentist, Dr. Viet Tran at Smiles of Memorial in Houston, Texas.

What Should I Do If I Go To The Dentist When I am Sick?

If you feel well enough to sit through a dental visit and you are not contagious, you may want to take a few precautions during your visit at Smiles of Memorial in Houston, Texas. First, remember to call Smiles of Memorial and tell them how you feel. Being sick at the dentist is not always fun, but Smiles and memorial can make you comfortable. Also, Smiles of Memorial may give you specific instructions before your visit if you are sick. They may also adjust your treatment. Some dental procedures can clog your nostrils making it hard to breath. The most important point is communication when sick at the dentist!

It is never fun to be sick, but it is important that you care for your cold as well as your oral health. Your dentist, Dr. Viet Tran, will help you while sick. If you are well enough to go to the dentist and you are not contagious, you shouldn’t cancel your dental visit! Yes, you can go to the dentist while sick. For more information or to plan your next visit with Dr. Viet Tran at Smiles of Memorial in Houston, Texas, today!

Can Oral Health Affect the Skin?

May 14, 2021

Poor oral health is not only linked to a myriad of oral problems such as gum disease and tooth decay, but it can also even affect the appearance and health of your skin. Brushing and flossing not only improves the look and health of your teeth, but it can also improve the health of your entire body. In this blog we will look at poor oral health can lead to skin conditions like acne and how you can prevent acne caused by poor oral health.

Common Causes of Acne

If you remember feeling guilty about eating sugary foods as a teenager because you were afraid you would develop acne, you are not alone. One cause of acne is the onset of puberty and excess sugar. Simply, sugar increases insulin and inflammation in your body. When this happens it can cause the skin to age faster and develop acne. For the best skin and overall health, you should consume sugar in moderation. Although it is important to know that sugar does not act alone on the skin. Other common causes of acne are changing hormones and the introduction of bad bacteria. These two factors affect oral health and acne the most. Understanding how these causes affect your skin can help you prevent further acne formed from poor oral health.

How Can Poor Oral Health Affect The Skin?

As you may have guessed, the mouth and the skin share many things. One of these things is a bad bacteria that can cause infections. If you have poor oral health, bacteria can gather around your gumline. The early stage of this is called gingivitis, which can be reversed by gum disease treatment at Smiles of Memorial with Viet Tran and his team. However, if continue to have poor oral health, the bacteria attack more of your gumline causing an infection or an abscess, a fluid-filled sack on the gum. This infection can make its way into the bloodstream and infect other parts of your body. If you notice acne developing while you have gum disease, you may have an infection that has spread into your skin.

How To Prevent Acne With Oral Health.

There are many factors such as, sugar, age, hormonal balance, and bacteria that contribute to the development of acne. However, with the right oral health routine, you can decrease the number of bad bacteria that transfer to your skin from your gums. Likewise, this can decrease the amount of acne that develops from gum disease. To practice a good oral health routine, brush your teeth twice a day for two minutes each time. Next, floss your teeth at least once per day. Lastly, remember to visit Viet Tran and his team every six months for your bi-yearly oral exam and cleaning. This will help Viet Tran and his team keep your teeth healthy and spot problem areas early.

Oral Health is not the only reason for your acne, but if you have gum disease, it could be exacerbating your acne’s effect on your skin. To reduce oral health-related diseases such as heart disease and diabetes, follow a good oral health routine. For more information please contact us today!

How To Care For Your Mouth During The Flu

If you are tired, have a fever or chills, sore throat, a headache, muscle aches, or a runny nose, you may have the flu. Compared to a cold, a flu has more aches and pains with a fever and a cold has more sneezes, coughs, and runny noses. If you think you have the flu, call your doctor. Once you have the flu your oral and overall health can become damaged. Below are a few ways that you can protect your oral health while you have the flu.

Change Your Toothbrush

After the flu, or any other illnesses, you should change your toothbrush. If you have an electric toothbrush, make sure you use a new head. The flu virus can stay in the bristles of the toothbrush for up to 72 hours. In addition to changing your toothbrush, remember to never share toothbrushes during the flu or any other time. These flu droplets can infect the person that you share with.

Do Not Brush After Vomiting

Although uncommon in adults, vomiting and diarrhea in children can be a symptom of the flu. If you are your child vomits, do not reach for the toothbrush afterward. When you vomit, the harsh acids from your stomach coat your teeth. Brushing after vomiting can rub these acids in more. This can tear the enamel on your teeth and increase your risk of tooth decay. Instead, if you vomit during the flu, rinse your mouth with a distilled mouthwash or a mixture of water and baking soda. This will remove the gross taste from your mouth and protect your teeth.

Avoid Sugary Cough Drops

As always, at Smiles of Memorial, we do not tell our patients to drink or eat sugar, especially for extended periods of time. However, during the flu or a cold you may have a sore throat or constant cough. Yes, you can still use cough drops. The best option to protect your teeth is to choose a sugar-free cough drop. This will limit the amount of sugar that sits on your teeth and will lower your risk of developing tooth decay.

How to Prevent The Flu

The best way you can prevent the flu is to receive a flu vaccine every fall. This not only protects you, but also the most vulnerable people in society through ‘herd immunity’. Some people such as, newborn, sick, and elderly people, cannot receive a flu vaccine because their immune system is not strong enough. However, if you get your vaccine, then you can limit the spread of the flu and protect those people. Other ways you can stop the spread of the flu is by washing your hands, avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth, staying away from those with the flu, disinfecting common areas, and covering your mouth and nose when you cough.

No matter who you are, getting the flu is never a good experience. However, your oral health does not have to suffer. Remember to change your toothbrush after you are sick, do not brush your teeth after vomiting, and only use sugar-free cough drops. For more information about oral health or to plan your next visit with the dentist in Houston at Smiles of Memorial call us at (281)-493-0061, today!

Cracked Tooth Syndrome: Is It The Cause Of Your Toothache?

The set of symptoms that make-up cracked tooth syndrome are not always easy to see. The symptoms that do appear can be easily missed or not seen on an x-ray. However, if you have had a toothache and tooth sensitivity for a long period of time, you should talk to Dr. Viet Tran and his Smiles of Memorial team about the your risk of cracked tooth syndrome. The good news is that this can be fixed! You can use a night guard, crown, root canal, or implant. But, some cases to do not heal all-the-way. Below are a few signs and symptoms to look for and how you can begin to treat them.

Signs and Symptoms of Cracked Tooth Syndrome

At first, you may not see that your tooth is showing these signs because they come and go. One common sign of cracked tooth syndrome is pain while chewing or sensitivity while drinking hot or cold fluids. The amount of pain you feel depends on the way you bite and what you are drinking or eating. This is why many people miss the first signs of cracked tooth syndrome. If the crack gets bigger or part of the tooth falls off, you will experience more pain. This could be from an infection or a pimple-like item on the gum next to the tooth. If you do not see any of these signs, especially for a long period of time, call Dr. Viet Tran at Smiles of Memorial to plan a visit, today.


Small, hairline cracks can be on the outer edge of the tooth or even under the gums. These cracks cannot be seen by an x-ray, so they are hard to spot. Patients with cracked tooth syndrome may grind their teeth, which puts more pressure on the tooth, causing it to crack. Another cause is an uneven bite that puts pressure on some teeth more than others. If you have a large filling, crown, or root canal, you are at a bigger risk of cracked tooth syndrome because your tooth is not as strong. During your visit, Dr. Viet Tran will consider all of these factors when determining if you have cracked tooth syndrome.

Treatments at Smiles of Memorial in Houston, Texas 

Depending on the severity of the cracked tooth syndrome, your treatment may be slightly different than someone else’s treatment. Dr. Viet Tran may want to place a crown if the top part of the tooth is cracked. Or, he may use a root canal if the crack is within the tooth. Some treatments will take away your symptoms of pressure and sensitivity. But, for some patients, only one symptom can be removed. You can prevent further damage and help the symptoms of cracked tooth syndrome by wearing a night-guard.

Strong teeth promote good oral health and can decrease your risk of developing more problems. If you feel pain or sensitivity when you bite or drink, you should contact Smiles of Memorial of Houston – Viet Tran DMD. For more information about cracked tooth syndrome, how we can help you heal, or to plan your next visit with us, call our office, Smiles of Memorial, at (281)-493-0061, today!

Drinking Red Wine May Improve Your Smile

Everything that you eat and drink affects your oral health, even if you only eat or drink a little bit or once in a while. Carbs and sugars can hurt the health and look of your smile. You do not rinse out your mouth with water or brush your teeth right away after eating of drinking sugars. Did you know? Starches and sugars can turn into acids that make holes in your teeth. This could cause a cavity, gum disease, and even a root canal! But, have you ever thought about drinking red wine to better your oral health? According to the American Dental Association, a little bit of red wine may help, instead of harm, your oral health!

How Does Red Wine Help?

Red wine contains chemicals called proanthocyanidins that act as antioxidants. These chemicals stop bad germs, called Streptococcus mutans, from staying on the tooth and causing decay. There are many studies from across the world, including countries like Italy and Canada, that have shown that this chemical in red wine can stop tooth decay before it starts. Researchers said they are not sure if white wine can better your oral health the way red wine can. Actually, they think that white wine may cause tooth decay because of the high amount of sugar.

Do I have to Drink Red Wine?

No, there are other ways to add antioxidants to your diet that stop the development of this bad germ. In food, you can eat grapes, chocolate, and apples to get these chemicals. Additionally, there are smaller amounts of this chemical that stops tooth decay in over-the-counter whiteners and whitening toothpastes. But, the best way to whiten your teeth is in-office! Yes, for the best whitening results, come to Smiles of Memorial for a professional whitening treatment from Dr. Viet Tran and the team.

Other Nutrition Tips For Good Oral Health

Good oral health always begins with oral health habits. A better way, other than red wine, to stop tooth decay is to floss and brush! You should brush twice a day for two minutes each time and floss once per day. If you are drink coffee and teas all day, sip water in-between to limit the amount of sugar on your teeth. Eating foods from all food groups can make your overall and oral health better. Lastly, when you want a snack, eat food high in calcium and water such as raw vegetables, yogurt, cheese, and milk.

If you already drink red wine for a healthy heart, drinking it for good oral health may be another benefit. However, you do not need to drink red wine to get its benefits. You can receive these antioxidants to prevent tooth decay in other foods and whitening products. The best way to achieve good oral health is through brushing twice a day for two minutes each, flossing once a day, eating a balanced diet, and drinking water with sugary drinks or foods. For more information on good oral health or to plan your next visit, call dentist Houston at (281)-493-0061, today!

What To Expect During a Tooth Extraction

There are a few reasons you may need a tooth removed. Infection, a crowded mouth, and a hurt tooth are just a few reasons that Dr. Viet Tran at Smiles of Memorial may suggest a tooth extraction. Don’t be worried! This procedure will not take long or be painful. This safe treatment can be done in one visit. Below is more about before, during, and after the removal.

Before a Tooth Extraction at Smiles of Memorial 

During the visit, Dr. Viet Tran will explain the tooth extraction process. Tell Dr. Viet Tran and his team about all the meds that you take and any health issues you have. Typically, patients do not have issues during or after the tooth extraction. Although, in some cases, Dr. Viet Tran may suggest that you take an antibiotic before and after the procedure to strengthen your immune system.

During a Tooth Extraction

On the day of the tooth extraction, Dr. Viet Tran will numb the area with a local anesthetic. With this, you will little to nothing! After Dr. Viet Tran has removed your tooth, a blood clot will begin to form around the area. Sometimes Dr. Viet Tran will place self-dissolving stitches. Lastly, Dr. Viet Tran will place gauze in the wound to help it heal. Then, you are done!

After Removing a Tooth in Memorial, Texas

Get plenty of rest! A tooth extraction can be stressful for the body. And, remember RICE — Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevate. Rest for at least 24 hours after the procedure. Eat soft foods, avoid tobacco use, and do not use a straw for the first few days. Ice the area after the procedure in 10 minute intervals to reduce swelling. Add compression to the area by holding the gauze in place to reduce bleeding. Lastly, elevate your head to prevent prolonged bleeding.

Caring for the area after an extraction is key to a speedy and successful recovery. For more questions about tooth extractions, call Smiles of Memorial of Houston – Viet Tran DMD at (281)-493-0061, today!

Tips To Reduce Gum Disease At Home

If your gums bleed, swell, or if they are painful when you brush your teeth, you may have gum disease. The early stage of gum disease is called gingivitis. You can practice proper oral care to undo the damage. Here are a few tips to help you stop gum disease before it hurts your smile.

Tips To Reduce Gum Disease at Smiles of Memorial:

1. Be Gentle While Brushing 

If you gum disease, you may want to brush your teeth for a long period of time and fast. Do not do this! Yes, it is true that brushing your teeth can reduce gum disease, but if you brush too hard or too long you could hurt the tissue on your gums. Once hurt, those tissues are hard to repair.

2. Stop Using Tobacco

Whether it is smokeless or smoking tobacco, it is bad for your health. If you stop using tobacco you can help your overall and oral health. Did you know? Smoking can increase your chance of getting gum disease seven times more compared to nonsmokers. Decide to stop using tobacco today to stop gum diseases and other conditions!

3. Avoid Stress

This may be a surprising tip, but stress can hurt your oral health. More stress not only decreases your body’s defense against infections, but it can also cause muscle tension. This could lead to clenching and grinding. This could make you gum disease worse. Also, the added pressure on your teeth from grinding can destroy tissues in your gums along with other oral conditions such as TMD.

4. Use Good Oral Hygiene to Stop Gum Disease 

The best way to promote good oral health is with a good oral hygiene routine. This means brushing twice a day, every day. No excuses! Start by brush after you wake-up and before bed for two minutes each. Also, floss twice a day. If your gums bleed or you experience tenderness while flossing, use extra care by sliding between the teeth instead of shoving the floss. Lastly, avoid sugary drinks and foods. This can include brightly colored fruits. Sugar or starches, which turn into acid, breaks down your tooth’s enamel, putting your tooth at-risk for a cavity. If you consume sugar, rinse your mouth with water afterward.

Although gingivitis can be reversed through good oral habits and brushing, periodontal disease cannot be reversed. Actually, you may experience bone or tooth loss as the periodontal disease develops. Following the steps above can help you reduce gum disease. For more information about treating gingivitis, get in touch with top dentist in Houston, TX, Dr. Viet Tran at Smiles of Memorial today!