Smoking is a dangerous habit that can affect your overall health. The negative impacts of smoking on oral health, however, are often overlooked. The combination of chemicals in cigarettes and other tobacco products can cause irreversible damage to your teeth, gums, and mouth. Let’s take a look at how smoking affects your oral health.
Effects of Smoking On Teeth and Oral Health
Smoking can have a negative impact on your teeth and mouth in several ways. Whether you smoke regularly or are exposed to secondhand smoke, the chemicals and toxins found in cigarettes can cause damage to your oral health over time.
1. Staining and Discoloration
Smoking can cause your teeth to become significantly stained or discolored over time. This occurs because the nicotine and tar in cigarettes coat the surfaces of the teeth, resulting in brown or yellow stains that cannot be removed with normal brushing or flossing. The more frequently you smoke, your teeth will likely become stained or discolored.
2. Increased Risk of Gum Disease
People who smoke are much more likely to develop gum disease than non-smokers. Tobacco smoke irritates the gums and damages their ability to fight bacteria effectively. This makes smokers especially prone to developing periodontitis (advanced gum disease) and other serious gum infections, such as gingivitis. Additionally, smokers are less likely to respond well to treatment for gum disease due to their impaired immune system from smoking.
3. Oral Cancer
Smoking increases the risk of developing several types of cancer – including cancers of the mouth and throat, which affect the lips, tongue, cheeks, floor of the mouth, hard palate, and sinuses behind the nose. Smoking also contributes to bad breath (halitosis), dry mouth (xerostomia), tooth loss, receding gums, and an increased risk for leukoplakia – white patches inside the mouth caused by irritation from cigarette smoke.
The adverse effects of smoking on oral health cannot be understated; it is one of the most destructive habits you can have when protecting your teeth and gums from decay and disease. Quitting smoking is one of the best things you can do for yourself if you want to protect your oral health—not just now but also in years when you may need extensive treatments for gum diseases or oral cancer. If you’re a smoker looking for help quitting this habit, consider reaching out to a doctor or specialist who can advise quitting safely without risking further damage to your teeth and gums.